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Connect to the joy within

Join us for a 2 hour journey experiencing powerful practices to support you to re-connect to the joy within.

No where to go. No one else to be. Nothing else to do.

We often believe that we have to “do” something to feel happy, it’s a place we have to get to, or it’s an imagined future.

The truth is, there is a stillness, peace and joy that is always within you that is always available to you in the present moment. When we aren’t connected with this deeper self we get get lost in the external world: what came before or what we imagine will happen in the future which causes stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

Joe and Ismene, both experienced practitioners in their fields, will be sharing transformational tools to help you relax, release and let go so you can sink into that joy within.

Experience includes:

You will learn 3 powerful practices that you can incorporate into your own lifestyle to increase, mood, health and and experience an overall sense of wellness.


- Prana Kirya Yoga (Breathwork)

- Meditation and visualisation

- Kirtan (sung chants accompanied by the harmonium)

Joe will be guiding your through a Prana Kirya Yoga (Breathwork) practice.

Prana Kriya Yoga harmonises and unites the flow of the physical movement in our body with its energetic power helping you become aware of your creative potential. It awakens the hidden energy (Kundalini) within you, allowing you to transform and free yourself from limiting & old behavior patterns.

Ismene will be leading you through you relaxing guided meditations and visualisations.

Meditation is a powerful practice to keep drawing our attention within, witness our thoughts and when coupled with visualisation provides a way to access your deep wisdom and intuition.

Ismene and Joe will be sharing their love of Kirtan with live music from the harmonium.

Kirtan derives it’s orgins from devotional yoga, through it is accessible to all. By singing repeated chants we free the mind, and transcend into a joyful meditative state.

This will be run in the she-den, a specially build oasis of calm in Ismene’s garden.


Book your ticket here

Later Event: November 13
Nourish and Glow